Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Jared's opinion of his auntie

Just wanted to share something my nephew said this evening. I had dinner with my mom, Jilayne, Jared and Janae. Dad and David were at a meeting, so we decided to have a meal out. While we were eating, Jared made the astute observation that "Aunt Cindy isn't married." I informed him that he was indeed correct. I also told him that if/when I got married, I might not live real close to him. He replied "But I was hoping that when you got married you would be my next-door neighbor. That way I could see you a lot." My mom asked him, "What if Aunt Cindy moved to a different state?" He thought a moment and said "Well, it sounds like it would be time to take a trip." It was so cute! I told him that he probably didn't need to spend a lot of time worrying about it right now :) He is seven, and has always been my little buddy. I remember that he was at my house once when I got in from a date. He was maybe 3 or so. He followed me to the door to say goodnight, saying "Can I hold you?" He always got that a little mixed up. Instead of saying, "Will you hold me" he would change it around. So cute. I remember him being very clingy that night. I'm sure it would be hard on my little people if I ever did move away, but I told him that wherever I am, I would only be an airplane ride away at the most. And of course, he would always be welcome to come see Auntie.

Just thought it was too cute not to share. You may have noticed that this is not part 2 of my catch-up blog, but at least I'm hitting the month of January! Gotta love me, huh? Lol...


Kim M. said...

Awwee.. I'd miss you too. Jared is too cute.

krledu said...

Too cute!!!!!

Mark said...

Very cute :-)

Mark said...

you'd better get to work - you only have 25 days to do your February blog! :-)